December 2, 2008

The City's Fall [liz]

On a hill I’ve never been to
There stands a tree
This tree is tall, it’s branches wide
It provides a great place to hide
I want to set a blanket beneath its limbs
And eat a meal from a basket
I would lie there with my love
And listen to the story of the leaves

As summer spun around the sun
Those leaves began to change
From green to red, orange, and yellow
Life to death she fell
But before the leaf could touch the ground
It disappeared, all without a sound
No one knew to where it went
Or if it would return

A city stands there now, taller than the tree
The days are packed with busyness
Fighting for our treasures
Buildings to the sky, tunnels underground
Neon lights flood the streets
But no one saw the sun go down

In our haste we have forgotten
To love, as God loves man
The bread that gave us life is old
Red bricks crumble and houses tumble
Papers that chronicle our legacy
Are tossed from windows broken
In their descent, they vanish
Along with our leaf and crown


  1. ..To love, as God loves man.."

    A simple, classic idea.. But still seems magical.

    I loved it.

  2. .fav.
    "And listen to the story of the leaves"

  3. I love this Liz. My favorite line is "As summer spun around the sun" and I absolutely love the paragraph about the city growing and no one seeing the sun go down. It reminded me of a children's book actually, "The Little House".

  4. My favorite part:

    "I want to set a blanket beneath its limbs
    And eat a meal from a basket
    I would lie there with my love
    And listen to the story of the leaves"
