March 4, 2011

Daughter [tony]

tossed upon the ground like garbage
you lay there for days on end
waiting for your prince charming
to come swoop you up into his arms

isn’t that what every woman wants, to be safe
yet this one must lay here severed and broken to pieces

hoping and praying that her day will come
she lays there mindless
afraid of being hurt again
she's taken too much of a beating as it is

stripped naked, embarrassed of her self
just lying there hoping the people passing
would rather think she is dead then alive

lying there motionless with only one thing on her heart
is how she got to this point
all she has left to cherish is her own heart
and yet that is broken into pieces as well


  1. Tone...This is really insightful. I'm really impressed by your ability to connect with a woman's heart in this piece.

  2. that was my plan from the start, i was a little worried how it would turn out but im happy with the end results Thanks V

  3. I'll second Vanessa; every woman, I think, can sympathize with at least parts of that. Also, the picture perfectly matches the poem.

  4. Yeah, the picture is awesome. I'm assuming you took it, Tony? Very powerful, very reflective (the picture and the poem, of course).

    Most interesting line to me:

    "lying there hoping the people passing / would rather think she is dead than alive"
