May 6, 2008

A Good Meal [liz]

I believe in the power of a good meal shared between friends and family. We start out isolated and alone, but then someone steps in to buy food, cook it, and share the blessing with others. A table brings us close, and the food in the middle provides the space we need to linger and not run away. We reach and pass the bowl giving strength to the other, and in that we transfer part of ourselves.

During the last supper, Jesus took the bread and told the disciples to eat—to eat his flesh, to eat the nourishment he gave them. We are to drink the cup he gave, his blood—his strength, his life. And when we share a meal, we share the strength, the life we have in ourselves. Together, we remember the abundant life Jesus gives us. He pours into us, and we into each other.


  1. i'm sure we take advantage of meals all the time - and are probably more ignorant of their importance than we care to admit.

    "He pours into us, and we into each other." an overflowing cup on community.

  2. This is such a great snapshot of a moment.

  3. Food is one of the great common denominators of humankind. I love how tactile Jesus makes us -- thanks for drawing that out really well.
