April 20, 2010

Knock Knock [kory]

I stand in fear

You just don’t know

Don’t push that button

It raises the veil

His grace is sufficient

It protects you today

My pain will be your pain if you don’t walk away

Warring undercurrent floods this occasion

I no longer hear you

I am fighting temptation

I know I should hold on

The belt will go back on

Blows tear open my soul

You should start running now.


  1. I love your simplicity.

  2. Warring undercurrent...great emotion. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm honestly not sure what to make of this, other than I really connect with it, in a sort of non-thought, non-word kind of way.

  4. If only I was brave enough to raise the veil too....being vulnerable and letting Him there is pretty much the scariest thing ever. I always end up being more afraid of the pain from the process than trusting the good that can come from it. Very good piece :-)
